Posted on June 29th, 2015
Hi DSM Fans!
We are back for Day 5 of the 2015 National High School Musical Theatre Awards!
Yesterday, Chris and Katelyn had another very full day of rehearsal, but ended the day with their auditions for the National HSMTA Judges! Check out below what they had to say about their day!
“Running through the entire show before the big day!”
From Katelyn:
Hi Dallas!
So it’s been a crazy few days so far of non stop rehearsal and fine tuning to put up a great show on Broadway. This place is like musical theatre boot camp. The hours are long, the material is taught fast, and very little breaks in between. But I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else with this time. I’m trying to absorb any and all lessons I’m given and treasure every moment that I’ve been in the presence of a Broadway star. This is the kind of stuff I (along with every other participant) live for.
“Made friends with the MC from CABARET! He thinks I look like Liza Minelli. Us Fosse kids gotta stick together!”
Today was the day we performed our solos and medley for the judges of the Jimmy’s, all of which include some of the most famous casting directors of New York (one of them being the casting director of CHICAGO THE MUSICAL’s across the nation,) so you can imagine the pressure I felt while performing 2 different Fosse pieces in front of her. Chris and I did the very best we could and both of us feel no regrets toward our performances. We’ve got high hopes, but no matter what happens, we will leave this place better actors than we were before with some beautiful memories.
Thanks for all the support!
Can you spot Katelyn and Chris in the group? They’re rehearsing the opening number for the Jimmy Awards!
From Chris:
Sunday is done, and tomorrow we perform on Broadway! Today was a long day of cleaning up the opening number, cleaning medleys, and staging and running the closing number. We ran the whole show through, and it’s looking fantastic!
Tonight we performed our medleys and solos for the judges, which was a lot of fun and an incredible opportunity and experience. I’m so grateful to be here amongst these incredibly talented young men!
Final Night at Tisch NYU!
Tomorrow’s the big day! We head off to the Minskoff Theatre on Broadway in the morning and spend the day rehearsing to open that night! Tomorrow will be a rewarding day topped off with getting to see, and hopefully meet, our host, Sutton Foster!!! I still can’t believe that’s happening! Can’t wait to be in the theater tomorrow and perform that night!
From their chaperone Stacie Smith: “After being judged tonight, they still have smiles on their faces. They both have winning attitudes!”
Today is the big day for Chris and Katelyn – they get to perform on Broadway for the very first time! Unfortunately we can’t see the performance here at home, the Jimmy Awards are tonight at 7:30pm ET at the Minskoff Theatre (where THE LION KING calls home). Chris and Katelyn will keep us updated about their day, and of course, we will let you know LIVE if anything big happens! We will be back tomorrow morning with our next blog to let you know what happens today. Please help us cheer them on as they compete tonight!
-DSM Amanda